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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Tuna, Pasta, and Peanut Butter

You know those stories you hear? About living in New York City and being a struggling artist/actor/intern, etc.? And how you typically LIVE off of Tuna, Pasta, and Peanut Butter?

Well, except for the early days of my time here (Late Summer/Fall of 2008) and a few moments of laziness/exhaustion sprinkled in-between, I have pretty much avoided having to exist on only these foods.

BUT, rewind to Monday,Tuesday evenings when this is what my fridge looked like.. ( See image at the right)

These are the items in my fridge from left to right;Brita water filter, goat cheese, blue cheese, pickled jalapeno peppers, salsa, Italian dressing, White Bean Hummus, Fig Jam, Ground Flax Seeds, Iced Tea Pitcher (with no tea in it), Cool Whip container ( with homemade Gazpacho in it), crumbled goat cheese, buffalo cheese dip, zucchini-(PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE ZUCCHINI it was a purchase last evening when my lovey got paid) , Herbs in the crisper AND one more jar of salsa-and that wayward bottle of Caesar salad dressing. ( I see you America's choice dressing!)

Now mind you that this is the fridge and I DID not photograph my cabinet/pantry nor the side door on my fridge which houses all of the condiments. And I am sure that there is a container of fat free feta cheese hiding in there somewhere. BUT THAT IS NOT THE POINT.

How did this happen? I dunno, usually as a household we are fine on food, because lets face it my retail therapy typically involves clandestine trips to Trader Joes, Home Depot purchases, AND the occasional sale rack jaunt to Anthropologie. So its not like I am living my life wrapped in Burberry.

The point is, we were broke, in the days our meals consisted of; tuna, peanut butter, hard-boiled eggs, chips and dip, cheese and bread, AND spaghetti. In short we were one cup of ramen noodles away from being that girl on the A train singing "I'm broke (drum beat) and it ain't no joke (drum beat).

So, the lesson here kids IS STOCK UP ON THE ESSENTIALS ; TUNA, PASTA, AND PEANUT BUTTER, because like it or not at some point you will go through a crunch period while surviving and thriving here in NYC. And to ensure survival you must occasionally eat whats in your pantry/fridge. And if it's only a collection or gourmet cheeses and specialty salsas, well then you are going to be hungry!

And please no pity for me and mine we are just fine since payday :)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Happy Working Song

This has been the week of work trauma.
Many times as an aspiring actress one has to take on one or several what people often refer to as "survival jobs" or that thing you do in between jobs/auditions. And since auditioning is my primary job my survival job is a huge part of my life right now. Basically I'm in a job with great flexibility where I don't have to sell clothes or myself (I mean that in the non-prostitution way)but I'm also forced to constantly cater to the whims that sometimes seem as inconstant as the moon( Thanks Bill Shakes). Am I grateful to have a job in this unstable economy? Of course. Am I grateful to be out of Retail? You bet! I'm just having a bad week. Which means that hopefully I just have to breathe and reboot and continue to organize my life within an inch of itself.
Speaking of which I really need to go clean my apt.........

Monday, August 3, 2009

Empress of Harlem

Oh my Lord! My blog is tragic. I started it almost one year ago after my FIRST New York Audition. Now, I have switched address, attitudes, and significant others. I'm also equity. So, now I need an agent, a website and a less tragic blog. I'm still an expiring actress and I'm still an aspiring actress. Although you could say I was a little more focused this time around. :) So look out world, I'll be coming to a blog near you in the near future.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Illegally Blonde

I'm not sure if I should really type this up for public consumption. But in today's society where alot of young women my age leave their homes sans panties only to photographed at unflattering angles whilst entering and exiting vehicles only to have the photos appear on websites and magazines EVERYWHERE!! Then I figure my humble little blog shouldn't cause too much of a brouhaha.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. For those of you who may be reading this in the archives after my fame has reached it's peak-my name is Allison Diane Wilkes I was born in Cape Gireadeau Missouri on June 21st, 5555 (the year was omitted to protect the innocent). I have just relocated to Manhattan with my charming,handsome,extremely talented (and straight too!) Boyfriend or the BF as he will be referred too (to protect his identity and maintain his mysterious quality/so that I don't have to type alot of names slash words) for the purpose of this blog. I also live with our brilliant roomie Tommy who just relocated here to save his sanity from Alabama and to take a Fabulous job with a leading Theatrical organization here in Manhattan. At age Five I moved to Tuscaloosa, Alabama where I lived from July 198? until July 30th 2008 when I hopped on a plane with luggage that was too heavy and moved to New Tork City leaving many wonderful pairs of high heels at home in Alabama.

This blog is a way to keep people at home connected specifically with the trials and tribulations I face everyday being an aspiring/expiring actress and working as a retail whore/temp/child care worker/please let me do something so I can pay my rent-person.

Now on to the good stuff, yesterday was my first New York audition. I awoke at 7:00 after hitting snooze for 45 minutes. I then tried to perform facial reconstructions with my to BFF's for life maybelline and MAC straightnened my hair dressed assembled my audition survival bag kissed my sleeping BF on the cheek and hopped on the A train to ride down to midtown. After getting out of the station I walked down to Chelsea studio's (15 blocks or so) hugged tommy farewell and walked into the lobby. I caught an elevator and rode up to the 6th floor waited anxiously while the doors opened and suddenly I was thrown into-The Line for LifeBoats on the Titanic!People everywhere all trying to get into the same room to sign up for the same audition. I jump in the line and go in and sign up. I'm number 401 so, I trudge back home to relax and eat for a little while.

After a nap, salad, and a quick drying of my clothes with my hair dryer(it rained) I rode back downtown walked again and then sat in the studio with the other lemmings (they were at approximately #255). I then ran into a friend of a friend nd began chatting. Through that conversation I realized that I had signed up for a non-eq call for a tour of pajama game/spelling bee. The call I went for TheatreWorks was across the hall. Had the thought occured to me that here would be more than one call? No. Do I feel like a dumb southern/blonde stereotype right now? YES! Well, I go across the hall and signup. Needless to say I was not seen and I felt so stupid. Undaunted I stayed at the other call and was fianlly seen by gay and gayer. I was so nervous -it was my first audition in a year, in New York City I mean you name it It was the first of firsts. It was an okay audition. But, I learned alot from the day and I got the first one out of the way. I feel like such a blonde because of my little goof up but hey, if the dye fits wear it!